Saturday, April 11, 2015

Coming to you from the Family Archives....

Precious Moffat Moments...

A Dad, A Son, and A Balloon...does it get any better?

Eager smiles from everyone...this could be our first 'silver star'!

Two handsome Moffat men...not to mention, stylin'!

Christmas morning...a little bit of sleepy, a lot of fun!

Really?  Dad and Mom dressed up for Halloween? Coolness factor billion.

Honestly Dad...I'm HUNGRY!  Where's the turkey?

NO ONE can resist kissing those Moffat cheeks!

Two Bros and Two Cousins...Sweet!

And let's not forget the "Mommy Do It" years!  :)

This 'Daddy' Themed Archive Moment brought to you by Mommy.
Who knows, there may be more archive posts in the future. There are many awesome Moffat Moments with many themes to choose from!


  1. Haha this is hysterically awesome.

  2. So many, what is in my hands in the christmas tree picture? And looks like I've always been pulling that face! (in the Thanksgiving pic)

  3. Why...that would be a cookie in your hand! and Yes, that face continues to be in your repertoire ;)
