Saturday, July 25, 2015

Over The Mountain and Through The Brush to Grandfather's House We Go!

I took some paid time off today.  Dad and I decided it would be fun to walk the Bonneville Shoreline Trail from a trail head near our home to Grandpa Moffat's house.  We left our home shortly before 8:00 AM and drove to Grandpa's leave a car at the finish point...we're not crazy enough to walk over there, say 'Hi' and walk back.  I mean really! 

Here are some photos from our adventure!

The views of the city were truly spectacular!

You know you have all wanted to see the radio tower on top of the hill!

We ran into these two adorable pups!

You gotta love that cute doggie behind!

We met the dogs near where the sky hits this photo.  Then the trail went down and way up again!  We are about 1/2 way up the hill when I took this shot.

This is the marker for the county line.  Dad is in Salt Lake County here while I am still in Davis County.  Don't worry...I caught up with him! :)

More great views of the city!

This is the 'forest' area of the hike.  A lot of scrub oak, not many trees.

Oh Goodie...We are entering Bear Country...But this is the 
path to GPa's so into Bear Country we go!

So far...Only pretty views.  NO BEARS! Yay!


We find the Utah State Reptile!

Trust me...this is an internet image.  We were too busy being scared and
 trying not to wet our pants to take a photo of this guy.

We safely pass this 'friend' and continue on our journey.

Where are these houses in SLC?  We would like to know. :)



Another 4 foot monster...coiled, little rattler up in the air, and staring at me with it's
 little, bitty, snake eyes. (Yes, this is also and internet image...still too scared 
and busy keeping my pants dry to take photos.)

Into the scrub oak we go.  Ever wary that another snake with suddenly appear!

NOPE!  No more snakes!  YAY!!!

At the bottom of the trail, we find this sign...we think one should 
have been near the Bear Country sign as well.  Just sayin'.

Look!  It's the State Capital!

 And Sego Lilies!  The Utah State Flower!

 And the ever skittish, camera shy, QUAIL!!! My Favorite Bird!
 I love how their heads bob as they travel around in families!

We made our destimation!!! Grandpa Moffat's home! 
Of course he showed off his new trains!

Check out the cars GPa bought for the 'parking lot'.

Can you see the passengers?

I took this photo for the photobombing effect. :)

Grandpa, the engineer!

What a great way to spend our morning!


  1. I am in love with Grandpa. Man. I wish he was there when we stopped by to watch him engineer!!

  2. I told him you had been in town and that we had stopped by. He was sorry he missed you too! He was at the University of Utah working at the times we had dropped in. Next time you are in town, you need to see the trains in action!
